Thursday, April 8, 2010

Women and Men's Equality in 2010

Women and Men's equality

Now, in 2010 the rights of men and women have progressed greatly in many ways. Women can now have great jobs and are not restricted to being housewives. Women, today, can vote and have a strong voice in politics. Their are still some opportunities that women, for some reason, are not able to get that men can. Men seem to still be of higher employment status in the work places, but women are not far behind. There are still places in which women do not have the same opportunities but things have come a very long way.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Brendan Curtin's Women Equality Opinion

In 2010 the equality of men versus woman is not equal for each side. Woman in 2010 have the abilities and rights to have any job they seek but there are woman in this nation that are stay home moms to show structure in the family. The seek the most well-rounded, intelligent children. There are still homes where the male is respected by going to work and making the money while the mom stays home. Woman are still looked as less dominant figures in society when it comes to jobs, education, and race. Woman fight to gain independence and equality but society has not flatened out to where man vs. woman is tied

Monday, October 26, 2009

Should true Americans/Patriots give up personal freedoms in the war?

True americans/patriots shouldn't have to give up their personal freedoms during the war, it should be something that they willingly do. If they feel strongly enough about the war and believe that it is something needed, then they will do what they have to. If they feel strongly enouugh about giving up these freedoms, they should be fighting in the war. Perhaps suggesting or attempting to give up some rights is something that can be considered but i dont think that taking away their freedoms would be best to do during war.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yellow Journalism

McKinley; “weak and a bidder

for the admiration of the crowd.”

Early February 1898, a stolen letter from the Spanish ambassador to Washington, Dupuy de Lôme, describes McKinley as “weak and a bidder for the admiration of the crowd." The Spanish ambassador wrote this letter in criticizing our nation and our leader. They doubt our capability to run our country. The ambassador see's the nation as weak and an easy target. The letter is our proof that we need to go to war before the United states is seen as a weak nation instead of a super power.